Madison Park Smooth Sugaring Studio

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park location

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park location

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park location

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park location

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park location

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park location

Smooth Sugaring Studio - Madison Park

Cancellation Policy We value our relationship with you and respect your time. Please value ours and the many clients we serve. With that in mind, we require: A valid Credit Card number when scheduling your appointment | At least 24 hours or greater notice when rescheduling or cancelling your appointment | A charge of 50% of the services requested for ANY reschedules or cancellations with less than 24 hours notice | A charge of 100% of the services requested if you just space us out. Plan ahead … be on time or a bit early! Thank you.